Thursday, May 13, 2010

Cutting the Tie

I have so much fun in primary. Last Sunday we were missing a chorister, so I got to do the duty. My sister told me of something she did in primary years ago...I decided it was the time to give it a try. I brought in an old tie and asked one of the men in primary to wear it. Then during music time I pulled out my trusty sissors, and everytime the children sang well I cut a peice of his tie off. Many of the children were sitting on the edges of their seats belting out the songs in a most beautifully enthusiastic manner...and others refused to sing. As the first four inches came off I saw little Jimmy on the front little Sunbeam. He didn't have to say it...I saw the horror in his eyes...they were PLEADING with me to stop! He could not believe what I was doing! I just wanted to pull him aside and tell him things aren't as they seem...if I could have communicated with him he would have been fine.

I didn't have the chance to talk to little Jimmy that day, however I did call his mother and explain it to her. She laughed as I told her the situation, and agreed to talk to Jimmy and explain what was really happening.

Sometimes I feel like little Jimmy. I look at what's going on around me in painful confusion. It's during times like these I need to remember the Savior has the bigger picture. I am thankful for those who cross my path from time to time who have a glimpse of a bigger picture, and can expand my view. As I look at life's experiences through the bigger picture I am filled with great peace and hope.

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