Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I've been thinking alot about faith, and hope...and the law of attraction. When I first learned about the law of attraction, it all made a lot of sense to me. The people who created the movie, "The Secret" were in touch with truth, however they attempted to take God out of it...or hide Him. Truthfully, He belongs right in the middle of it...and we can call it faith. It's an eternal principle that has been around for longer than the earth's been here. In fact, it was by this principle that the earth was created. I could ramble on about now, but instead I'll summarize:

1) Faith is believing in something true that you can't see. It is believing in such a way that you can count on it. I do believe that our beliefs carry with them tremendous energy or power. If I sit here and believe whole heartedly that I am going to be successful at something, chances are I will be. I have always been taught to place my faith in the Savior. This carries with it more strength than just merely believing in some desired outcome...although that's important. However, as we place our belief in the Savior and His ablilty to help us, He has so much more power than I alone could ever have. If I can trust that He can do anything, I have an anchor...and my belief can do so much more for me than merely believing in my wish.

2) Hope. I have learned through careful study of the principle that the kind of hope the Savior has asked us to cultivate goes beyond a wish. It's being able to desire something with the assurance it will be there for us. I like to think of it as gratitude in reverse. It's knowing what will be, and being grateful for it. The law of attraction talks a lot of cultivating the feelings of if what I want has already happened. It's also just being grateful for the blessings I have already received.

These are the core principles in the law of attraction. They are also the core principles in faith. I think the world has stumbled upon a true law of nature, but has tried to hide God. I know that as I place my faith, or belief in the Savior, He can do so much more for me than I could ever begin to do for myself.

Just a thought.

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